
Marketing Resources articles

We’re always happy to share advice, research, and tools that can help your business grow. Check out our latest resources.

skunkworks flow chart

Lessons Learned building an Apps Script Add-on

How we build G-Suite Appscript Add-ons in a team environment. Table of Contents: Researching a team Workflow Twitter Research for the win The Skunkworks Framework Github Flow What is Github Flow? Google Apps Script Github Assistant Apps Script Error Handling User Testing is Key Commenting is a necessary part of developing an Add-on The Apps

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google my business configuration tab

GMB Made Easier – A free tool to simplify your posts

It’s not surprising that with COVID-19, many location-based, brick-and-mortar businesses have had changing hours, closures, and somewhere in between. It’s been tough for customers too – not knowing if their favorite services are open and if so, are there new requirements for entering (masks, distance between customers, etc.)? For any business, multi-location or otherwise, it’s

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3 Ways to Improve Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

As marketers, we often focus on the value and return of individual channels, and talk about things like CPA and ROAS. But let’s take a step back for a moment. Thinking more holistically, let’s look at the total sales and marketing cost required to earn a customer. That’s CAC, or Customer Acquisition Cost.  The lower

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slice of apple pie

2020 Marketing: Carving Up the Budget Pie to Win

Yes, we know your budget pie is probably not the size you need and it has to work really hard to do its job. We hear you and offer up some tips to help: Foundations If the foundation of a house is not well built, the rest of the house will be weak. The foundational

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Learnings from NATCHCOM: digital meets natural

Two Octobers was at NATCHCOM last week, the premier (and only?) digital marketing conference for natural brands. I got a chance to share some ideas about metrics and marketing strategy, but mostly it was a chance for me to listen and learn. First impression? I loved it! As an enthusiastic athlete, vegetarian and eater of

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