
Analytics articles

Marketing analytics is the backbone of digital marketing: uncover and organize data to find out more about audiences, evaluate the efficacy of efforts, identify opportunities for improvement, and inform an overall strategy. Explore our resources and tools to become a better data-driven marketer.

google analytics presentation

How to get the most out of Google Analytics

We are doing a presentation on September 15th for Denver Startup Week. More to follow after the presentation, but here is a link to the Google Presentation: How to get the most out of Google Analytics And here is a description of what we will be presenting on the Denver Startup Week site. The jittery

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Understanding Google Analytics Assisted Conversions Data Discrepancies

The Google Analytics assisted conversions report is very helpful for demonstrating which channels or sources indirectly influence conversions on a client’s site, but there are two somewhat confusing aspects to this report. The number of conversions shown by channel or source does not match other Google Analytics reports. Huh? The conversion numbers in the assisted conversions column sometimes exceeds

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Google Analytics Cross-domain Tracking in an iFrame

A quick primer on the nature of the problem   One of the most common problems I run into with Google Analytics (GA) occurs when a website uses a 3rd-party shopping cart, booking system or other transactional functionality. These systems often run on another domain, which means a user goes from to to

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Workarounds for Google Analytics ‘(not provided)’

We’re going to start in the middle here. Google Analytics’ organic keyword information is lacking. Their goal is to protect the privacy of all users searching on Google. The issue here is that it leaves marketers with a lack of information as to how people are finding their websites. It originally started with the assurance

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Google Ads View-Through and Analytics Assisted Conversions

“Appearing only for the Display Network, View-Through Conversions happen when a customer views your image or rich media ad before converting, but never actually clicks on the ad. If these customers later convert, this metric counts their conversions as “View-Through Conversions.” This conversion type automatically excludes conversions from people who’ve also clicked your Search ads.”I 

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Internal Site Search: Hiding in Plain Sight

Businesses pay a lot of money to figure out what people want from them and/or their industry. Even with that research, businesses can still miss the mark on what they deliver and how they deliver it. What a lot of these businesses don’t realize is that gaining insight into the true intentions of many users

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