
Analytics articles

Marketing analytics is the backbone of digital marketing: uncover and organize data to find out more about audiences, evaluate the efficacy of efforts, identify opportunities for improvement, and inform an overall strategy. Explore our resources and tools to become a better data-driven marketer.

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The $10,000 Gem Hiding in Your Google Analytics

I promise you there is a gem hiding inside your Google Analytics that will have a real impact on your business. It might be a piece of data whose impact can be felt beyond the website and into the core of your business. It may be something that could drive more visitors to purchase, uncover

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Data, Data Everywhere–But How to Stop and Think?

The world gathers data at an alarming rate – 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day. We’ve become extremely proficient at collecting data – be it from enterprise systems, documents, social media, or email and collaboration services. Our challenge as marketers is how to use that data well.

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How to Track Scroll Depth in Google Analytics

This post describes a method for reporting on scroll tracking in the Universal Analytics (UA) version of Google Analytics. Setting up scroll tracking as an event in GA gives you the ability to see how far people scroll down pages. This data is very useful for identifying content that isn’t performing well, and specifically where

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The Perfect Marketing Mix

Our business development director, Ray Stein, is presenting on the perfect marketing mix at Denver Startup Week.  In his presentation, Ray addresses how to prioritize digital marketing channels, tips for getting the most out of each channel, and where they belong in the customer journey. You can view a PDF of his presentation here.  

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