
Author: Two Octobers Analytics Team

moz local

Yes, Moz Local Works

We crunched the numbers to decide whether or not the 2016 updates to Moz Local worked – and the short answer is “yes”.

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Mozcon 2021: Google Search Console Data, unleashed

SEOs are sitting on a treasure trove of keyword data in Google Search Console (GSC), but Google’s lackluster interface makes it hard to get any value out of it. At MozCon Virtual 2021, Two Octobers’ Product Director Noah Learner spoke about how the GSC API can unlock game-changing insights into SEO. The API contains millions

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two women at cafe

Page Speed Optimization: Table for Two

I’ve been reading a lot about this debate of “does site speed matter for organic success?”, and to me it always sounds like an evening out at a restaurant. Page speed is the time it takes from a customer first entering a restaurant, to receiving their food. The longer it takes, the more likely it

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marketing flyer with city cutout

The Perfect Marketing Mix

Our business development director, Ray Stein, is presenting on the perfect marketing mix at Denver Startup Week.  In his presentation, Ray addresses how to prioritize digital marketing channels, tips for getting the most out of each channel, and where they belong in the customer journey. You can view a PDF of his presentation here.  

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public market sign on boston harbor

Perspectives on MozCon 2018

In early July, five members of our SEO team headed west to Seattle for a few days to attend MozCon 2018. As one of the best conferences out there for technical SEO, mobile strategy, analytics, and content, we all were excited to learn and bring back actionable insights for our accounts. We also were excited

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Shining lightbulb among dull ones

How to Use the Jobs to Be Done Framework to Improve Your Marketing Messaging

By Jaimee LaTorra and Rachel Zinanti Have you ever looked at a marketing persona and wondered what to do with the information? We love personas when it comes to ad targeting, especially for display or Facebook campaigns, because they ensure that we stay focused on key audience characteristics. But when it comes to creating content,

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